BAM Energie: Tailoring Engineering Solutions for Energy
Global ambition
Considering the sheer variety of construction projects, and the varying associated stipulations of space, location, environment and function, it is clear that a one-size fits all approach to construction and engineering is not the most suitable.
In recognition of this, BAM Civiel, a Royal BAM Group operating company, has formed BAM Energie, to bring together all the different elements of engineering from the initial design, through to construction, operation and maintenance and to develop a specific solution for individual energy and industrial projects.
With a turnover of approximately 8.4 billion euros per annum, and a workforce numbering close to 30,000 employees, The Royal BAM Group is one of the larger European contractors. Particularly strong within the UK, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, and The Netherlands, The Royal BAM Group undertakes construction, property, civil engineering, and consultancy projects. Supported by the 25 companies operating under the Royal BAM name, The Group is also active globally supported by its international companies such as Tebodin, BAM Infraconsult and BAM International, all of which have a strong international presence. In terms of structure The Royal BAM Group consists of several different divisions, each offering its own specialist expertise and solutions.
For specific energy/industrial projects BAM Energie forms a team, in which, its own expertise is combined with introduced specific project related expertise so as to fulfil all requirements to realise complete EPC projects.
Within BAM Energie extensive knowledge and expertise is available to realise complete projects from initial design to fully integrated engineering solutions and documentation. Sophisticated project tools, such as integrated 3D engineering technologies, are all available in house.
For execution, specialist knowledge is available which provides support on all fronts. For example, engineering support and technology combining all the expertise required to build solid foundations on land or offshore. For BAM, innovation is just as important as in house expertise. In an effort to reduce environmental disturbance, for example, a screw combination pile has been developed which addresses this sensitive issue.
Further support is provided to BAM Energie by its sister companies, such as, BAM Infraconsult (known internationally as Delta Marine Consultants (DMC)), which provides engineering and design services for marine works. BAM Leidingen & Industrie is yet another BAM company specialised in piping and power generation systems, while Tebodin offers a vast range of engineering support both nationally and internationally.
According to BAM Energie General Manager Ferry de Bruin this set-up is key to the BAM Energie delivery approach: “One core difference between us and other contractors is our way of working in project teamswhich integrate all of the different disciplines required. We strive to provide our clients with a customised optimal solution for each individual project, not just the best solution for one particular discipline. As a result we are most adept at complex construction works and with our sister companies such as BAM Infraconsult, BAM Leidingen & Industrie, BAM Techniek and Tebodin, we can offer a full project lifecycle solution from initial concept through to operation and maintenance. Not satisfied with just providing a basic service, we closely analyse how we can bring added value to a project through our in-house knowledge and specialisations.”
Thus can BAM Energie offers its clients a one-stop-shop partner, with a single point of contact, as opposed to sourcing several different suppliers to achieve the same solution. This service is supported by advice and engineering at all phases of the project. Equally the company is able to offer clients a tailored concept, incorporating as many or as few individual disciplines as required, from a complete EPC multi discipline project to more traditional projects. As part of a larger group, BAM Energie is also able to draw on the vast knowledge and experience of its network of sister companies as required.
As the name suggests BAM Energie’s focus is on the global energy market. In its often assumed role of EPC contractor / major subcontractor, BAM Energie operates across the whole energy spectrum, including nuclear power plants, conventional power plants, underground gas and CO2 storage, LNG terminals, waste to energy systems, biomass, offshore wind power, compressor and converter stations, geo-thermal energy, and tidal energy. Some examples of BAM Energie projects include waste to energy plants, a convertor station between the UK and The Netherlands.
“The Nuclear market is also one where we have a good reference base in the Netherlands,” highlights Ferry. “We have been involved in the majority of construction project in this sector in recent years, not only in terms of the plants themselves but also in the provision of waste and storage facilities. This is certainly one sector which we are looking very closely at, as well as the offshore wind market, which is continuing to grow rapidly.”
Although the recent events surrounding nuclear energy in Japan combined with the role of this source of energy in the reduction of atmospheric CO2 have currently created somewhat of a dilemma regarding the immediate future of Nuclear Energy, it is still a market which is of interest to BAM Energie.
Ferry continues: “Our focus is shifting a little away from the traditional, as we look at upcoming markets which we think we can penetrate in the same way as we have done our current markets. The solution itself may vary from sector to sector but the manner of working and the supporting technology remains essentially the same, so in my opinion we are more than capable of fulfilling these ambitions .”
Looking a little further ahead and addressing the long-term goals of the business, Ferry concludes with his vision for BAM Energie: “We are not merely satisfied with maintaining our position in our current markets, we want to continue to improve our position. Certainly we shall be striving to be a major presence in energy related projects over the next ten years. We shall also be working hard on developing our presence in upcoming markets such as offshore wind. Whatever the market or project, our main goal shall remain, to continue to bring added value to our clients through our integrated way of working. As a business that operates in line with market needs, we can adapt to future circumstances, and have not only the desire but also the knowledge to design and engineer solutions for the latest projects as they arise.”
BAM Energie
Services: Design and construct solutions in the industry and energy market