Bergen Group Dreggen: Expert Crane Design for Offshore & Maritime Sectors
Incredible cranes
Bergen Group Dreggen is the new name for Dreggen Crane AS, a competent and experienced designer of cranes used in the offshore industry, located on both ships and onshore.
Dreggen has joined the successful Bergen Group enterprise, which was established in May 2007, and is a significant party in both the offshore and maritime industries. Bergen Yards acquired 19 offshore and maritime related companies in 2007, developing out of a traditional Norwegian shipyard into a high technical group that delivers product and services to the offshore and maritime related market. This resulted in the name change from Bergen Yards to Bergen Group.
The Bergen Group promotes highly technological solutions within the offshore equipment and ship construction sectors, and the company has made waves within the industry through the completion of a significant contract for Ellen Forlands Rederi, as well as delivering Geo Celtic, the world’s largest seismic vessel, in October 2007.
Within a Group framework that celebrates high quality design and cutting-edge thinking, Bergen Group Dreggen will become a vital component in the design and construction of crane solutions. Situated in the seaside town of Bergen on Norway’s west coast, the division is in a prime location to provide a complete range of services to operators in the oil and gas sector. Employing 60 people, the company is equipped with a deepwater quay, as well as 3000 square metres of workshop and office space.
Bergen Group Dreggen has extensive levels of experience within the crane design sector, and has engineered solutions for both ship and offshore cranes of all kinds. All of the company’s professional employees are fully trained in a wide scope of design tools, such as Inventor 3D, Auto CAD, Cadit, MathCad, and Ansys. Equally, the cranes manufactured by Bergen Group Dreggen meet all of the current standards and regulations inherent to the industry, such as Lloyds, ABS, NKK, GL and DNV.
Alongside crane design, Bergen Group Dreggen is a major supplier of spare parts and service equipment for a full range of cranes manufactured by other companies, including Munck Loaders, Munck Turntable, and Munck Offshore; Bergen LTT. The documentation on many of these cranes date back to 1965, and the company’s skilled employees are ready to travel to a client’s site to deliver services on rapid basis. Dreggen’s engineering department is able to complete all kinds of modification work on cranes, such as PLS, increase of SWL, and change of use – for instance, from cargo to grab handling.
To meet the needs of the global offshore crane industry, the company is able to draw on the Bergen Group’s extensive network of agents and clients located across the world.
At this time, Bergen Group Dreggen is looking to increase its expansion into Asia, primarily through its work in China and South Korea, building upon the business the organisation has formed in its native Norwegian offshore industry. Indeed, in 2006, Dreggen announced that it had received an order for 16 units from Aker Kvaerner, totalling approximately 73 million NOK, to be constructed and delivered between 2006 and 2008. Under this agreement, the company will produce a range of equipment, including rail travelling offshore cranes for semi submersible platforms, to construction yards in Singapore, Korea, and Norway.
The crane package designed by Bergen Group Dreggen to be delivered across this period to Aker Kvaerner Maritime Hydraulics includes BOP handling cranes alongside X-mas tree handling cranes, and will primarily be used in the drilling area of the semi submersibles, together with Aker’s drilling equipment.
The company will ultimately deliver cranes of three different capacities: 50-ton SWL cranes, 75-ton SWL cranes, and 100-ton SWL cranes. These cranes will be installed on the West E. Drill semi submersible currently being constructed by Samsung, as well as on Seadrill 8, Seadrill 9, Petromena, and Petrorig 2 being built by Jurong, Seadrill 10 and 11 constructed by Daewoo, and Aker H6 Alpha and Beta at Aker Stord.
Bergen Group Dreggen also manufactures electrically operated monorail-travelling cranes, which operates on a beam installed across the vessel, and are produced from sand blasted and primed steel structures. The organisation is also a key supplier of electric or pneumatic engine room cranes, including the insulation class-F motors, which are equipped with electromagnetic fail-safe brakes.
Bergen Group Dreggen has also been producing deck cranes since 1995, and has delivered more than 3000 cranes of this type within this period. Deck cranes have a range of duties, including hose and provision handling, cargo and grab handling, gantry travelling slewing, and combined lifesaving and provision handling cranes.
The company is renowned for its extensive experience in manufacturing specialised,
explosion proof offshore cranes, to be used on FPSOs, drilling vessels, semi submersibles, and jack-ups. The solutions that Dreggen can provide in the offshore sector range from locotractors for ROV operations, pump storage racks, and provision handling cranes with baskets. Equally, the company provides the following crane types: BOP, pipe, riser, and Xmas tree handling, EOT maintenance, cutting container, and elephant cranes.
With the depth of experience Dreggen can offer clients in the offshore and maritime sectors, the company is sure to provide a valuable service as part of its operations within the Bergen Group.
Bergen Group Dreggen
Services Ship and offshore cranes