Bornemann Pumps
A fine history
Bornemann Pumps is a globally recognised leading player in the production of highly technical, quality pumps and systems that can be applied to a number of industrial areas.
With over 155 years of operating history, Bornemann is built upon a strong brand identity, which still maintains close ties to the family spirit that directs the organisation. ‘Continuity’ is the inherent philosophy directing the business, and Bornemann has received awards for its performance within German industry.
Established in 1853, the company has developed a series of market-leading pump innovations, starting with twin-screw pumps complete with external bearings that were patented in 1934. The company has created a series of multiphase pump solutions, and has focused on adapting its twin screw pumps to a variety of industrial areas. Bornemann is fully prepared to offer advice about tailor-made engineering projects, the installation of reliable machines, and maintenance programmes on preinstalled pumps and systems.
The company is active in a number of industrial areas, especially within the onshore and offshore industry. Bornemann has developed a wide range of solutions within the tank storage sector, and the solutions offered by the organisation are often deployed in areas where high suction capacity is require. Bornemann’s twin screw spindle pumps are also well respected within the oil production and refining industry, as they are suitable for pumping mixtures of crude oil, gas, water, and solids that are created in the oil production process. The company also manufactures a range of twin screw and progressive cavity pumps that are used in conveying both low and highly viscous materials within the petrochemical industry and others. The twin screw pumps produced by the business are technologically innovative, employing a self priming, double-ended positive displacement solution that includes external timing gears and bearings. Manufactured in over 80 sizes, the pumps feature complete axial balancing of the rotating elements, which eliminates the metal-tometal contact within the pump itself. This means twin screw pumps are fully equipped to handle all types of non-homogenous fluid regardless of viscosity, lubricity or abrasiveness. This has particular application within the oil and gas industry, as it means that pumps can cope with seawater, bitumen, acid, and lime. Bornemann also manufactures a range of compact, rugged, and powerful progressive cavity pumps, available in various power ratings, and capable of dealing with a combination of many materials. Cavity pumps are used in public and industrial wastewater treatment systems, and are especially used in situations where the substance being conveyed is particularly viscous.
Initially developed in 1985, the organisation’s multiphase pumps are also applied in a number of industrial areas. Indeed, twin screw pumps form the basis of Bornemann’s multiphase boosting systems, which are used heavily by operators located in oil and gas fields. Multiphase pumps are used both onshore and offshore, and can be use in new field developments, depleting reservoirs and tail-end production processes. By reduction of the wellhead pressure customers’ oil production is increased tremendously. A major impact is that the flaring of any gas is completely eliminated by the use of Bornemann’s multiphase pump systems.
The benefits for oil and gas companies using Bornemann’s products are enormous. The unique design of the two engineered rotor sets found in the company’s pumps delivers a near-constant capacity against the downstream back pressure found in the system, which means the system is not dependent on the speed of the pump, or the characteristics of the fluid being transferred. This means that fluid mixtures with up to 100 per cent gas content can be compressed without causing excessive overheating to the machine – liquid is stored in the enlarged housing and partly internally recirculated into the inlet to ensure equal distribution of heat throughout the pump system. Equally, the design ensures that all ‘slugs’, caused by sudden changes from high gas content to pure liquid flow, are handled securely, and this feature is a patented technicality found only in Bornemann’s pumps.
The technological specifics of the multiphase pumps created by the business means that maintenance is needed less, although Bornemann has an extensive after-sales and support network to deal with any request or query a client may have. Condition monitoring systems, a standard feature of the multiphase systems, allow for a preventive maintenance possibility like everybody knows from their automobiles. Multiphase pumps are available in three primary ranges: MPC pumps can be used on old onshore fields with higher wellhead pressures, as well as new onshore field mdevelopments with high gas volume fractions. The MPC range can also be used in wet gas compression situations, and in the replacement of conventional separation technology onshore. The other major multiphase pump is the MW range, which are more applicable on old onshore fields with lower wellhead pressures, new onshore field developments, and steam injected fields, and are particularly useful in pumping highly viscous crude oil. The MSL pump style is in talled in single well applications.
Bornemann has also developed a variety of pump and control systems that are designed to operate in a number of conditions. The systems are rugged, and require little maintenance, meaning that they can work in a wide range of temperatures, pressures and all other unforeseen untreated conditions. The company’s system solutions also incorporate a range of safety features like metal seated shut down ball valves. Gas engines are more applicable in offshore environments where electrical energy is limited, and diesel engines are widely used because of the ruggedness of the system’s independent drive unit. The systems are designed for unmanned self-controlled areas. Every project is organised by an extensive project management system.
Bornemann’s activities in the oil and gas sector, as well as the pumps it produces for the food and pharmaceutical industries, was publicly recognised as exemplary under the ‘Germany – Land of Ideas’ programme in 2006. The competition was designed to display innovation and creativity across a number of business areas, and focused on a company’s ability to communicate its core message, its significance within Germany, and its value to clients. Bornemann was distinguished as the ‘Selected Place of 2006’, and was commended for its achievements as a medium-sized enterprise. This award confirmed the company’s ability and competence within its market, and celebrated Bornemann’s strategy of mastering new technologies.
As the business progresses, it aims to develop a new range of subsea solutions that will revolutionise the oil and gas industry. Bornemann is designing systems that allow the delivery of subsea substances to onshore processing stations. This solution is removing the need for drilling platforms and ships in offshore fields, making the entire process more cost-effective and environmentally sound. Bornemann’s emphasis on technical expertise has consolidated is position as the leading provider of industrial pumping technology. In fact, Bornemann is the world record holder with the deepest multiphase sub sea installation and with more than 400 multiphase installations worldwide.
Bornemann Pumps
Products Screw and multiphase pumps