Deep Sea Mooring AS
Continuous improvement
Established in 2008, Deep Sea Mooring is a leading service company with a dedication to providing the highest quality services and solutions to meet its clients’ needs.
The company, which was previously part of Odfjell Well Services, and is now part of the HitechVision portfolio, is a leading provider of mooring rental equipment, pre-lay mooring solutions and ancillary services to E&P companies and drilling operators of offshore rigs on the Norwegian Continental Shelf.
Deep Sea Mooring is ideally placed to serve clients in the region through its offices in the Bergen area and warehouses/equipment bases in Mongstad and Kristiansund. This gives close proximity to the main operators and short delivery times of products. This approach goes hand in hand with the company’s vision, which is to always provide the best possible service to meet even the most demanding customer’s needs.
Throughout its operations its key words remain ‘zero faults and continuous improvement’. Deep Sea Mooring aims to be the leading North Sea/North Atlantic mooring service contractor and to deliver the safest and most efficient services through the use of remote-operated technology. Deep Sea Mooring focuses on growth opportunities through strong client relationships, and continuously developing its range of equipment and solutions while evaluating opportunities to expand its portfolio.
In fact, innovation is a key factor in Deep Sea Mooring’s success, with the company having a high focus on the ongoing development of solutions and the use of innovation to provide safer and faster rig move operations for its clients. One notable innovation from the company is the ADAPS, or Advanced Distance and Positioning System, which has been developed to lower costs for the operator by enabling the movement of rigs in shorter weather windows. ADAPS can eliminate the need for ROV verification and enable movement in more extreme weather conditions. It involves placing specially developed transponders on the anchors of the rig and using the standard transducer on the anchor handling vessel for receiving signals about co-ordinates, anchor tilt angle and depth.
The product has been tested on several occasions and the feedback from the customers is very positive. The product is already fully operational and offered to Deep Sea Mooring’s main clients. Furthermore, the prototype of a new product, the SDH40 – a hydro acoustic releasable hook is undergoing a test programme. The hook is mounted with a transponder, which communicates with the vessel and can release on command from the bridge. Managing director, Åge Straume, states that this product will reduce operational time during pre-lay operations and rig moves. The initial tests have so far been very successful.
While innovation consistently brings new products to the company’s portfolio, Deep Sea Mooring is already widely known for its larger range of high quality mooring equipment for use in harsh environments. All this equipment is sourced from well-known suppliers in the industry and is manufactured according to the most stringent specifications for use in the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf. Reliability is a key issue in these types of environments, and in this area it is important to note that all of Deep Sea Mooring’s equipment is no older than 2008, and thus is still of high quality and the latest design.
When it comes to anchors the company offers the Stevpris Mk6 drag anchor. Drag anchors are the most commonly used type of anchor in the mobile offshore drilling unit market throughout the industry, and Deep Sea Mooring is able to provide examples of both 15MT and 18MT.
Deep Sea Mooring also provides a wide range of surface and subsurface buoyancy solutions for offshore mooring applications, all of which are produced by the leading suppliers in the offshore sector. Accompanying these solutions, the company has a broad portfolio of chain and fibre ropes capable of meeting even the most demanding specifications. For the former, Deep Sea Mooring provides chains in accordance with DNV-OS-E302, which can be used for the mooring of offshore drilling units, and for the latter the company holds a portfolio of the latest polyester mooring ropes and provides various types and dimensions upon request. The company also has in stock a large selection of mooring connectors, steel wire ropes, swivels, and associated mooring equipment.
Of course, placing such an emphasis on customer services means that Deep Sea Mooring does not just provide products, but rather high competence that can carry out a range of services. From its manned base locations in Mongstad and Vestbase the company offers offshore supervision, inspection services, spooling services, logistics, storage and handling, service and maintenance, repair, re-certification, consultation, and engineering solutions.
As its employees work in some of the harshest environments in the North Sea, Deep Sea Mooring naturally places considerable emphasis on QHSE, nurturing a culture that extends across all of its operations. The company strives to be a leader within quality, health and safety and works continuously to reduce risk and hazards to employees, clients and the environment and works in adherence to ISO 9001-2008.
When its comes to mooring solutions and services, operators in the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf need look no further than Deep Sea Mooring. The company has worked tirelessly to develop and provide the most advanced solutions to the highest possible standards. With this key aim as its foundation there is little doubt that the business will remain a leading player in the market for many years.
Deep Sea Mooring AS
Services: Mooring equipment and technology