DMT Marine Equipment
A strong connection
With roots dating back to the foundation of the company in December 2001, DMT Marine Equipment has close to 15 year of industry experience in the design and manufacture of marine and offshore winches, deck equipment and special projects. The business was originally established as Dutch Marine Trading Design and rapidly expanded its activity by increasing its delivery area to include the Ukrainian and Russian markets during 2002. Later in 2009, the company opened sales divisions in China as well as in Turkey. By 2011 the business reached a significant milestone, when it was re-branded from Dutch Marine Trading Design to DMT Marine Equipment. At the same time the company established its strategy to focus on the design, production and delivery of winches, deck equipment, offshore solutions and special projects, including all associated equipment. During 2013 the company again expanded with the establishment of an office in Brazil.
Today DMT Marine Equipment operates from its main office in Romania, from where it employs around 200 dedicated members of staff and operates its principle manufacturing centre. The company presently maintains further manufacturing facilities in Romania and China, as well as offices within Romania, China, Brazil, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, the Netherlands, Singapore, Indonesia and Australia. As a specialist supplier of towing winches and mooring systems, robustness and reliability are key elements in all of the equipment supplied by DMT.
By maintaining strong relationships and close dialogues with its clients, DMT is committed to discovering the best technical solutions, including full turnkey projects. This has allowed the company to earn a renowned reputation among shipbuilders and fleet operators around the world as a supplier of robust and reliable equipment. “In less than 15 years we have become a globally recognised brand in shipbuilding and offshore industries. More specifically, we have built our reputation among our clients by advising them with efficient and customised solutions, paying great attention to three important aspects: safety, environment and easily used products,” says Business Development Manager, Ionut Plescan. “As a matter of fact, we have evolved from the design and manufacturing of simple winches to a large variety of complex deck machinery, such as 4-10 point mooring systems, launch and recovery systems, taut wire positioning reference systems for DP, hose winches, diving installation systems and so on.”
Although traditionally involved within the offshore and marine industries, DMT has gradually diversified its service offering to meet the requirements of an increasing base of clients. Since entering into the mega yacht market, DMT has further increased its business in this sector and expanded its presence to clients around the world. “We first provided deck equipment for a mega yacht in 2006, and this part of the business has developed continuously since then, together with the yacht market growth,” Ionut reveals. “This brought a benefit to our brand, as we started to diversify and provide solutions to different types of clients, offering products of very high quality and state-of-the-art designs. We are glad to mention that we are the supplier of deck equipment for one of the biggest sailing yachts in the world, along with mega yachts and yacht support vessels.”
Innovation represents an important feature in the development of custom made products within the mega yacht, marine and offshore markets. DMT manages a streamlined design and manufacturing process that is strongly connected with technological and software development. Furthermore, the company is fully aware of existing and new environment regulations to which its clients must comply within the shipbuilding and reconversion projects. Further to this comprehensive service offering, DMT offers a dedicated package of aftersales services to ensure that it provides its clients with a full turnkey solution. “Our international aftersales teams make a huge difference through the fast time of response to any service requests, regardless the vessel’s position anywhere in the world,” Ionut elaborates. “Thereby we act in respect of one the most efficient service level agreements signed with worldwide clients. Training our personnel in these regards is strongly connected to the continuous development of reliable solutions, in terms of solving any problem that may occur on a vessel with minimal logistics.”
While its global network of manufacturing facilities and trusted suppliers ensures that DMT is able to reach its clients quickly and effectively, it is the company’s commitment to quality and its understanding of the importance of reliable solutions that differentiates DMT as a leading and preferred supplier. “Due to the fast pace of globalisation in recent years, it has become increasingly common for customers to send their specifications to winch suppliers at the very last moment and to request as many offers as possible for comparison purposes,” Ionut concludes. “Despite the price difference often being only minimal, the very cheapest option is still frequently selected. While this might be beneficial for the intermediate buyer (since it gives them a higher margin), it is usually not the best decision for the end user who, just two to three years after delivery, may face vessel downtime or high maintenance costs due to broken components or other general winch malfunctions. Such costs are usually many times higher than the initial price difference. The owner faces not only the high cost of downtime and repair, but also potentially dangerous situations when a breakdown occurs during operation. At DMT Marine Equipment we are committed to prevention in the broadest sense of the word, and to ensuring that our winches always operate reliably and with the minimum of maintenance effort.”
DMT Marine Equipment
Services: Offshore winches and deck equipment