EAS/Electro & Automation Systems AS
Making the switch
Located in Tønsberg, Norway, EAS / Electro & Automation Systems AS has been an independent engineering company within the electro/automation fields since 1988.
Until now the company has operated under the name EAS-Automation AS, but with intentions to now expand its offering with the construction of a new in-house workshop, the business has changed its branding to match these wider aspirations.
Occupying more of a niche position in the marketplace, EAS is a specialist in advanced systems such as control panels and switchboards for emergency generators and fire water pump systems, mainly for use in the marine, offshore, and oil and gas industry. The company undertakes all aspects from development and consultation to engineering studies, and commissioning, and as a result of its investment into a new workshop will begin manufacture of the control systems and switchboards themselves for the first time.
“We are expanding our business and working to get into new areas, delivering both automation systems but also electro switchboards for different sectors. Our core business lies in the oil and gas sector where we deliver systems around the world, although the North Sea and Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS) have traditionally been our largest markets. We want to continue to grow within this business, but also to widen our range of customers in other sectors such as marine and land-based industry,” outlines Tron O Johannessen, manager of EAS.
All of EAS’ control panels and switchboards are designed in-house according to client specification, and based upon established industry standards such as BS, DIN, IEC, and NFPA. The company’s core products consist of fire pump control panels, emergency generator control panels for complete packages, and low-voltage switchboards for use in these types of units. These product examples are available for a variety of diesel engines, alternators, pump motors, and pumps, with a wide range of options to suit individual project requirements. In addition EAS/Electro & Automation Systems can provide customer specified control and monitoring panels, and assist with integration into large control systems.
“Up until now we have worked in a niche market, and as such become a specialist within our systems which is a major strength. We are also flexible as a supplier in being able to deliver according to specification, and also to adapt to all customer individual requirements. As we are mainly delivering safety equipment we always have to manage interfacing of these control systems onto platforms for example, so SIL requirements are a key consideration of ours. We have competence and experience in delivering these types of specification for over eight years now, as well as meeting other oil and gas specific standards such as NORSOK,” highlights Tron.
EAS is also organised in such a way that it can deliver its products as stand alone units, or as fully integrated systems within the platform’s control network, depending upon the customer needs. As a smaller company, EAS often works as a sub-supplier to large engineering companies or contractors, where it fulfils the role not only of engineering and testing equipment before deployment, but also can assist with commissioning and offshore tests.
Being a smaller market player however has not prevented the company from taking part in some major projects. Last year EAS, as a sub supplier to MTU Friedrichshafen GmbH, finished commissioning and installation of five new emergency generator control sets for the Kårstø industrial facility in Norway, and is currently working on delivering control systems to BP in co-operation with its client Eureka Pumps AS. The past five years has also seen growth in the volume of upgrade and modification works undertaken by the company, as operators look to extend the operational lifetime of offshore assets.
The move to refresh the company brand through an integrated change in name and logo is just the first step in EAS’ ambition to expand over the next 12 months. Another key piece of this strategy is the company’s drive to become listed in the UL’s Hazardous Locations Equipment Directory, which contains the names of companies that manufacture equipment assessed by UL to be in compliance with global hazardous locations safety requirements. “For us this is especially important as there are few companies operating in the same business streams in Norway that are UL listed. It will also serve to demonstrate our dedication to adapting to customer requirements, and the latest regulations,” concludes Tron.
EAS/Electro & Automation Systems AS
Products: Control panels and switchboards