From Origins to Industry Mainstay: The Evolution of ProPure Since 1999
Pure and simple
Founded in 1999 by Framo Engineering AS and StatoilHydro ASA under the name of Framo Purification, ProPure went through a number of name changes and acquisitions until a final merger in 2006 when it became the company it is known as today.
Based in Norway, the business is a specialist provider of process technology serving the oil and gas industry on an international level. Its cuttingedge environmentally friendly purification technologies, technical services and equipment is increasingly popular for those in the oil and gas market, providing practical solutions for subcontractors and oil operators. ProPure’s patented technologies for the treatment of water, oil and gas include mixer units, injection mixers and re-mixers that provide the solutions to achieve high mass transfer rates.
The organisation’s unique separation and treatment units have proven indispensible to such high-profile clients as StatoilHydro and Total, while its supply process packages are ideal for engineering companies. Harald Linga, head of product development at ProPure, outlines the company’s core operations: “We deliver process solutions that give the customer added value; that means giving better performance with less consumption of chemicals and feed fluids. This relates to both the de-salting of crude oil, which requires fresh water and demulsifiers, and water treatment where we supply technology to regulate the discharge of oil in water. For the treatment of gas we are very strong in the removal of H2S, utilising scavenger chemicals. We are able to reduce chemical consumption in the order of 30 per cent compared to conventional technologies, which is really important for us, as is the compactness of our technology.”
When ProPure spoke to European Oil and Gas in February last year the company was embarking on the establishment of offices in the Middle East to be closer to a number of key clients and industry developments. This has proven to be a successful focus for the company and collaborations with operators have resulted in introduction of new advanced technologies for crude treatment, as well as for water treatment. Fresh water and chemical consumption for crude de-salting is a challenge for those operating in the Middle East and as such ProPure’s progress and the resources available in these areas have lead to qualification of key technologies.
The latest of these is the ProSalt de-salting system. De-salting is crucial for crude oil upstream refining processes since both free water and emulsified water contain salt, which can cause hydrolysis and corrosion that leads to the failure of critical process equipment. The ProSalt system’s efficient injection and mixing technology is the key to effective salt content removal, efficient utilisation of wash water and chemicals and improved crude-water separability. ProPure is a technology company focused on reducing operating expenditure for its clients; the ProSalt system provides reduced wash water requirements, reduction in oil in effluent water content, and low installation costs creating high returns for investment. The technology has been full-scale piloted and tested to ensure quality provision and life-cycle longevity.
Of these pilot tests, Saudi Aramco stated “This technology shows great advantages including compact in-line design, quick and low installation costs, increased treatment capacity and minimum maintenance. Future Saudi Aramco projects shall profit from the outcome of this successful trial test and the prospective benefits of this technology.”
It has recently been announced that the ProSalt system has been awarded the prestigious OTC Technology Award ahead of the OTC exhibition in May, held in Houston Texas. This award recognises the enormous potential this development has for the industry. In creating a more separable fresh water/crude mixture and therefore better utilisation of injected fresh water, the ProSalt is able to handle any turn-down crude flow rate. ProPure will be attending the exhibition to meet new clients and partners, and to build on already budding relationships.
Industry conditions for companies like ProPure are increasingly curious in the current climate. A distinct trend for development is still apparent, while tendencies are changing from lighter oil to heavy oil, meaning that treatments for heavy crude oil are increasingly popular. As a technology company ProPure is well placed to respond to market changes in this tumultuous time.
Looking to the future, Harald highlights his vision for the company: “We see great expansion potential in the Middle East where we first started expansion plans nearly three years ago. We’ve just completed a successful pilot unit there and are just about to embark on another – I think it holds a lot of possibilities for the industry. Growth is a little slower in the US but we are building up a reference base there, and Mexico will also be an area of focus over the coming years. We are continuously seeking to improve and identify new technologies for helping the oil and gas market, running joint industry projects with major oil and gas companies. Presently we have an industry project on a compact gas dehydration technology with Total, StatoilHydro and Conoco Phillips providing financial backing. It is now in the final stage of qualification, with a pilot being prepared for operation in Total’s facility in Lussagnet, France – new technology is our mainstay.”
Products: Purification equipment for oil, gas and water