GMC Diesel
Powering the industry
Halliburton, Schlumberger, and StatoilHydro are just a few of the prestigious companies that GMC Diesel can count amongst its clientele.
The business is part of the GMC Group, which was founded in Stavanger in 1973, and provides a broad range of products and services to the marine and offshore industries. The group, which employs over 250 people, enjoyed a turnover worth 679 million NOK last year, and looks set to exceed that figure by some margin in 2008.
GMC Diesel possesses competence in the design, engineering, production, sales, and service of a range of diesel engines; from the small models used in high-pressure pump units, to the major engines deployed in ships. It also sells hydraulic pumps, transmissions, and spare parts, amongst other equipment. The company further acts as an agent representing some of the finest engines on the market, namely Detroit, MTU, and Mitsubishi. Finally, GMC Diesel is also a service partner for both Mitsubishi diesel engines and Allison transmissions, and provides efficient workshops for repairs and testing.
The company is hoping to achieve a turnover worth 40 million NOK this year, and managing director Bernt Lager explains the key to this position of strength: “We are part of a big group that has expertise in many areas. There are, for example, departments that specialise in electronics, ship repairs, and the rental of equipment to the ship industry. This is a real benefit to our success, and explains why many of the major service companies seek our support.”
Earlier this year, GMC Diesel completed the acquisition of Sandnes-based Eikevik Motor AS, which has been in business for 20 years. As part of the deal, Eikevik will now transfer all of its activities to GMC’s facilities at Kalhammeren. Bernt elaborates on the significance of the move: “Eikevik is focused on producing Caterpillar marine engines, and has delivered an annual turnover of around 12 million NOK. It has a large customer base across Norway, and the Caterpillar is a major seller. The acquisition ensures the continued growth of our market possibilities, and Eikevik certainly has the competence and experience to provide the company with many benefits in the years to come.”
Bernt continues by discussing the services that GMC Diesel can provide to its clients: “We provide a full range of service operations with regard to diesel engines, which includes our technicians going offshore to undertake inspection and maintenance work. We are able to overhaul the engines or perform dynamometer testing, and can repair nozzles and turbo generators. We can also undertakemaintenance and repair on hydraulics systems, whether it is a mobile unit or permanent installation. Our services are highly sought after, because we invest heavily in our team of specialists. They are our most important resource, and ensure that we continue to be the best in the business.”
As part of its services package, in May 2007 GMC Diesel held courses to support the work of some of StatoilHydro’s personnel on the floating production unit, Asgard B. The workers had operational responsibility for five 2900 BHP Detroit diesel engines on the platform, four of which were used to power pumps, whilst the other was utilised as an emergency generator. In addition, GMC Diesel was approved as a service centre for the MTU 2000 Common Rail diesel engine. These engines will be installed onboard several new high-speed ferries on the west coast of Norway, with a view to which GMC Diesel’s technicians attended educational courses in Bergen.
The company’s impressive client base, combined with its excellent reputation, leave Bernt feeling highly optimistic about the future of the business, and the market in general: “The diesel motor industry is growing, and we hope this continues for a very long time. There will continue to be a demand for diesel engines for use in a number of different systems, so we expect our growth to continue. We are also looking into other markets as well; in particular, we are interested in the onshore sector and those types of machines.
“The key to our continued success is that we need to be able to recruit high-quality mechanics, and that is not easy these days. In fact, we have sometimes used people from other countries in order to complete the work that is required from certain projects. We want to be recognised as the best diesel engine company in Norway, and if someone has a problem with their engine, or they want to buy a new one, we want GMC Diesel to automatically pop into their mind.”
GMC Diesel
Products Diesel engines