Grieg Logistics
Global pathways
Grieg Logistics is part of the Grieg Group, which emerged out of Norway’s rich maritime history and competence.
The Logistics division offers a range of full project services to companies operating in the shipping, oil and gas, and maritime industries, and prides itself on providing a total package to clients.
Managing director Rune Birkland elaborates on Grieg Logistics’ capabilities: “Our company is a leading logistics provider, which means that we manage freight and transportation projects, as well as terminals and hubs for a range of customers. We have clients in three main sectors: the offshore industry, maritime equipment manufacturers, and ship owners. In regards to services, we can offer companies a total logistics package, and provide customers with every feature they may require on a global basis. We also have a system set up for freight between all the oil bases located in Norway, so if we have a client who needs to deliver between a number of locations, we have already established an extensive network. We can provide singular services, but we are recognised for our expansive communications network, as well as our strong understanding of local conditions and customs laws.”
Rune continues by describing the company’s scope and operations within the offshore sector: “With our clients who operate in the oil industry, their concerns are mainly located within Norway, but we are also present across Western Europe, the Far East, and South America. We often establish relationships with customers in Norway, and then follow them as they need to expand globally. With ship owners, we operate worldwide, and we have many hubs around the world – in Rotterdam, Houston, Singapore, and locations in Japan. Finally, we operate in niche markets, like managing oil terminals – maintaining the flow of ships, inspecting the vessels, and making sure they are loaded correctly. As ships agents, we mainly look after oil tankers and offshore-related ships.
“Our dealings with the offshore industry are essentially divided into two areas – there are the everyday operations on rigs and installations, and then there are new projects, and recently developed sites to set up,” Rune explains. “On the daily operation of an oil rig, we primarily work in the North Sea sector. However, we are also actively assisting new build projects, aiding companies in construction logistics all over the world. Grieg Logistics is a small company, so we offer tailor-made logistics solutions to our clients to ensure all of their requirements are fulfilled.”
Rune expands on how the business works closely with customers to develop an appropriate logistics package: “Grieg takes care of all the documentation and intercommunication needed in delivering products on a global scale, integrating this information into a client’s system. With our biggest clients – Statoil Hydro, for example – we receive notification when one of their buyers purchases a product, and we make sure it is collected and delivered in the cheapest, most efficient, or quickest means possible, depending on need. We communicate extensively with the company, right down to the level of the employee on the platform that is waiting for the item. Grieg Logistics prides itself on becoming totally integrated into a client’s computer systems. We make transport happen – and ensure that everyone is reliably informed about the logistics process.”
Grieg Logistics’ position in the offshore market is strengthened by its relationship to its international partner CEVA, which has more than 1000 offices and terminals around the world. Rune states: “The key strength for Grieg Logistics is the quality of our computer systems, and the capabilities of the team operating them. Our employees understand the industry thoroughly, and have an extensive knowledge of global logistics routes and packages. This means the company can draw on an international network, and offer this to clients. When a package has been finalised, the worldwide strength of our organisation means that it can be actualised quickly and efficiently. The company employs some highly qualified individuals who have a complete knowledge of the market and the trends of the industry. We have some of these experienced personnel working on a number of research and development projects, many of which are funded by the EU, or by the Research Council of Norway.”
Rune comments on the company’s work with the Research Council, and the SynchroPort project they are mutually developing: “We are attempting to improve the operations between ships and harbours, by smoothing out processes and introducing cost-effective methods. Another factor we must consider is improving the environmental responsibilities of harbours, by organising ships so they that they can arrive at a cost and environmental friendly speed. The use of information and data transference systems allows us to develop a complex harbour logistics package, improving the interconnection between ships and harbours. In developing this project, we have worked with the Grieg Shipping Group, other ship and terminal owners, as well as universities to expand viable solutions.”
In the future, Grieg is focusing on a number of new opportunities, and has plans to expand it global operations, as Rune indicates: “One of the new areas the company is focusing on is logistics connected to offshore windmills, which is an emerging, specialist market. Grieg is expanding its influence in this area, and we have been providing logistics services to developing wind fields to the North of Germany. The offshore sector is very interesting, and promises plenty of opportunities over the next five to ten years. The amount of projects that operators and service companies in Norway are undertaking is large, and many of these require services all over the world.
“When we look at the offshore business, our aim is to secure more projects in bases located around Norway, while supporting the developments new builds. We also hope to follow Norwegian clients as they expand into markets around the world,” Rune summarises.
Grieg Logistics
Services Logistics management systems