Hayward Tyler: Pioneering Engineering Excellence for Over 200 Years
Pushing boundaries
Although Hayward Tyler was first established in 1815, around the time of the Battle of Waterloo, the business has always been successful in pushing technological boundaries.
Throughout those early days, and into the 1900s, Hayward Tyler won numerous bronze, silver and gold medallions at industrial exhibitions for its products and expertise. Almost 200 years later its engineering excellence places Hayward Tyler at the forefront of engineered solutions for critical application in the power generation and oil and gas industries.
This track record in technological advancement is demonstrated through various significant successes, including the development of the world’s first submersible motor in 1908. These innovations included the development of the glandless boiler circulation pump in 1948, which helped to form the foundation of the business as it currently stands. As a result of this innovative heritage, today Hayward Tyler is a wholly owned subsidiary of Specialist Energy Group plc – a company that invests in successful, niche engineering companies.
One hundred years after the launch of its first submersible motor, Hayward Tyler achieved a second milestone in the construction and delivery of the world’s largest deep submersible motor in 2008. Designed for seawater injection pump applications, this product has attracted a lot of interest from the market, as managing director of Hayward Tyler, David Boughey, highlights: “The deep water submersible motor is a product that we have great hopes for – both in terms of its current capabilities and future designs. Our highly skilled and capable engineers are continuing to work on improving its electrical performance and we are confident that we can continue to deliver a higher-powered motor in the coming years.
“Recently we completed and shipped a 2.7 megawatt (MW) subsea motor to GE Oil and Gas as part of its universal subsea boosting research project. Beyond this, we are already seeing interest in taking this further to five to six MW for operating at depths anywhere between two to five kilometres.”
As the search for new oil and gas resources moves into more challenging environments, innovative products such as this have become ever more vital. In response, Hayward Tyler maintains a comprehensive range of fluid filled electric motors and pumps that are designed to meet the most demanding applications of the energy markets. The company is also able to engineer solutions for more challenging high pressure, high temperature, toxic or hazardous products, and remote and aggressive applications.
“The products that we provide are generally not standardised,” explains David. “Many of our successes lie in bespoke or tailored products, where we have employed application engineering to develop a suitable solution for a specific requirement. Whilst we can be competitive against a range of products, the history of this business is all about innovation. As such, there are a number of clients where our offering fits in very well with their overall product portfolio, and we work very closely with them through our key account management system.
“I am particularly proud to be part of a British business that manufactures a range of products into a global market place. Whilst British industry is not generally considered to be a player in these markets, from a Hayward Tyler perspective I believe we are, due to our approach of delivering value to our end clients. To maintain this tradition we are very conscious that we need to bring in high quality individuals that can continue to drive the business forwards, and one aspect of this is our successful apprenticeship and graduate programmes.”
Hayward Tyler’s exceptional build quality and precision engineering is demonstrated at hundreds of locations around the world, with many of its installations running continuously for over 20 years. Some of its more conventional offerings to the oil and gas industry include seawater lift, firewater and process pumps for topside applications. The company also provides a range of API approved products to meet processing requirements through its branded division – Varley Pumps Ltd. Although many of these products are high value in their own right, Hayward Tyler primarily supplies its equipment to system integrators where it is incorporated into a complete system.
Over the last three years Hayward Tyler has grown by a third in terms of its sales revenue, whilst continuing to make significant strides forwards in terms of both its product offering and ability to deliver it. Already this year, the business has secured a number of offshore contracts, including projects with Norwegian heavy pump suppliers Eureka Marine, and the supply of five seawater lift and fire water pumps to the Ekofisk North Sea project.
Whilst the company’s strategy is to continue to gain new contracts within the offshore and subsea sectors over the next few years, this is just one aspect of its overarching ambition to grow the Hayward Tyler name further: “In the short term, our 200th anniversary celebrations in 2015 provide us with a key milestone target in terms of where we would like to see the business. Beyond that, we are working on a number of areas where we believe we can grow the business to double its current size over the next three to four years. This includes strengthening our position in the oil and gas market, and working where possible with government agencies such as ECGD to support our ever-growing export market,” concludes David.
Hayward Tyler
Products: Submersible motors and pumps