Heinen & Hopman: Innovators in Maritime HVAC, Ventilation, and Refrigeration
Cool solutions
Heinen & Hopman Engineering is a world-leading specialist in maritime air conditioning, central heating & cooling, mechanical ventilation and refrigeration.
A privately owned enterprise, since it was founded in 1965 the company has successfully realised over 10,000 customised projects around the world, always with operational reliability at the fore.
The company is now divided into four divisions, as Eric Stoffelsen, sales manager at Heinen & Hopman, explained: “These fall under the headings of Commercial Shipping, Naval Industry, Super Yachts and Offshore Industry.”
He added: “For better and faster interactions with local clients and their international customers, we have our own subsidiaries at most main shipbuilding and offshore centres in the world.”
These offices and agencies worldwide enable the company to provide quick aftersales service and local support, which Eric credits as one of Heinen & Hopman’s main strengths. He went on to list several more: “With our more than 40 years of experience and built up knowledge, we have become an innovative and a client-oriented business. We provide groundbreaking and bespoke solutions by working in close co-operation with our customers and if necessary our research and development (R&D) department. Furthermore, we are a financially healthy family business, which in the current economic climate is a big advantage.”
The R&D department mentioned by Eric has recently created a new system for superyachts, which has been described as ‘ingenious’. Eric gave some more details: “An AC-chiller is an essential piece of equipment onboard. So when a unit breaks down, or like now shipowners are dealing with increasingly stringent regulations regarding the use of coolants in their airco and refrigeration installations, is it better to repair the unit or replace the chiller altogether?”
“One of the greatest challenges with replacement is the difficulty of gaining access. This expensive and time-consuming operation involves cutting into the hull, removing the existing chiller and mounting a new one in its place. Now, with our innovative line of custom built replacement chillers, Heinen & Hopman offers a new way of overcoming this hurdle.”
The Heinen & Hopman method allows the easy disassembly and reassembly of the cooling system. It is designed in-house, manufactured in its production facilities in the Netherlands, fully tested in its own testing area, disassembled, brought on-board, reassembled and made operational. The Heinen & Hopman’s offices in Barcelona, Antibes and La Specia can also perform this service.
Of course, the R&D department is developing new products all the time, and Eric gave some details of another recently launched product for the offshore industry: “We have especially developed a battery powered temporary refuge unit, which fully complies with the requirements of HSE (Health and Safety Executive) and ISO. This unit is not only sufficient for maintaining pressurisation in the TR area and keeping the accommodation at the ≥ 50 Pa. overpressure mark, but also serves as a battery powered HVAC unit. We have poured all our decades of experience in the ERP sector into creating a sealed accommodation that meets all the statutory regulations and much more.”
He added: “Our other innovative products to market are Heinen & Hopman’s Turbocor Compressors. These are the world’s first totally oil-free, extremely compact, energy efficient and lightweight compressors. With a focus on the environment and cost savings, the world is looking for HVAC technology that makes a difference in efficiency, sustainability and applicability. While being exceptionally sustainable and compact, they have a long service life due to the absence of mechanical wear surfaces offered by frictionless magnetic bearing technology.”
The company’s reputation for innovative items such as these goes someway to ensuring that new products are highlighted to its client base, but Eric acknowledged that visibility is of the utmost importance and to this end Heinen & Hopman is a regular exhibitor at major trade shows. It is exhibiting at the Offshore Technology Conference in Houston in May, and also is a regular attendee at ONS Norway and Offshore Europe Aberdeen. “The big tradeshows are essential for networking and informing new and existing customers about our newest products and services.” he added. “Word of mouth is the key to keeping your business alive and growing.”
Alongside investing in these events, Heinen & Hopman is also keen to expand its presence across the globe and further development in the major upcoming markets such as Brazil, Russia and China is high on the agenda. “In order to service our customers as well as possible, we are constantly searching for better methods to achieve this. Expansion to more countries is one aspect,” said Eric. “So for example in 2013 we are looking at further expansion of the recently established Heinen & Hopman office in Korea. It is located in Busan and it is the 14th subsidiary of the Heinen & Hopman global network.
“We constantly have to search for cost savings without losing our quality and service, and local production is certainly one of our options,” added Eric. “Since the global downturn pricing has been a big issue for our company, especially as it has to fight local competition worldwide.”
As well as new countries, new markets are also under consideration, as Eric noted: “We are constantly focused on opportunities like new markets, such as the offshore wind industry, which is currently booming in Western Europe.”
Renewable energy appears to be a natural market for Heinen & Hopman, as since it was established nearly five decades ago it has held sustainability as a top priority. Maintaining this philosophy takes work but, as Eric noted, the company has a strategy in place: “This will be achieved by continuously innovating existing products, developing new products and systems, and a programme to improve the high level of Health, Safety and Environmental standards for all our stakeholders.
“With our rich history behind the company and a positive outlook for the future, I think we can be assured of our continued
Heinen & Hopman
Services: Air conditioning, central heating and cooling, mechanical ventilation and refrigeration