Innovation in wind
Dogger Bank C at up to 200 km off the Yorkshire coast is the third Dogger Bank Wind Farm package awarded to Jan De Nul. Following the signature of packages A and B, this will bring the total WTGs to be installed to an impressive 277 units.
For the delivery and installation of the 14 MW turbines, Jan De Nul Group will mobilise its newest Next Gen Offshore Jack-Up Installation Vessel Voltaire, turning this project into her first assignment. The contract is subject to Dogger Bank C reaching Financial Close in late 2021.
Commenting on the contract, Steve Wilson, Dogger Bank Wind Farm’s Project Director at SSE Renewables, said: “Jan De Nul Group has a great track record for the transportation and installation of turbines on scale, and offshore wind farms don’t come any bigger than ours. With a lifting capacity of more than 3,000 tonnes, the ultra-clean Voltaire vessel is set to become the world’s largest jack-up vessel when it enters service in 2022. Securing this state-of-the-art vessel for all three phases of Dogger Bank Wind Farm is another reminder of how we’re working with our suppliers to drive innovation in offshore wind.”