Men of steel
Promecon has carried out construction assignments in steel across Denmark and around the globe for more than half a century.
Its expertise spans all forms of steel structures – from buildings and bridges to offshore and process installations. Promecon is built on a solid foundation and is proud to count the most demanding steel clients in Scandinavia among its business partners. The company’s ambitions go beyond this and in the years ahead Promecon intends to make a concerted effort towards developing its business areas throughout the Scandinavian market. In the future, Promecon’s aim is to become the market leader in each of its business areas.
Since the company was established in 1928, Promecon has built more than 700 tanks. As a result of its production the company was recently awarded the European Steel Design Award for Outstanding Steel Structures. In addition to this, the company has twice beaten its own world record for pressurised accumulator tanks. Promecon has built tanks for practically every conceivable application, including oil storage tanks, firewater tanks and heat accumulator tanks.
Furthermore, with its front door approximately 600 metres away from the North Sea, Promecon is heavily involved in the offshore industry. The company believes experience and knowledge of the unique requirements in the offshore environment are a prerequisite for the right solutions. Promecon has built up a knowledge bank on offshore structures that gives its clients clear value for money.
Another specialist area for Promecon is piping systems; in this area the company has stringent requirements concerning diligence and inspection on each and every weld. The organisation believes a good piping system must be judged from the inside – as that is where the real values are. At Promecon, high quality pipes and technology improve its clients’ competitiveness, therefore the right choice of materials is essential to the company. As a result, its customers benefit from low maintenance costs and savings throughout the lifecycle of the piping installation.
In the buildings and bridges sector, Promecon has recently completed a project at Copenhagen Airport for a connecting pier, which links the domestic and international terminals. The new pier was inaugurated on 4 January 2007, after an 18-month construction period. It is a unique building – the design is highly impressive and the transfer between the two terminals is an artistic feast for passengers. Promecon was the designbuild contractor on the project and the company found it a very challenging contract. The greatest challenge was the fact that the building site was long and narrow, with only a single vehicular access track, requiring meticulous management of all traffic to and from the site. Moreover, working on the ‘air side’ of a large airport was a challenge, with all the safety regulations that had to be complied with.
Promecon specialises in complex steel structures, therefore its employees have to carry out a great deal of their work under conditions that challenge safety. Consequently, H&S is a very important issue for Promecon and as a result the company was one of the first in the construction industry to be nominated for a health and safety prize. It was Promecon’s client Statoil and the industry association TEKNIQ that nominated Promecon – independently of each other. The nomination was an accolade for Promecon for several years of targeted safety action, one of the results of which has been to reduce the accident frequency rate by 30 per cent. In addition, all Promecon’s 400 employees attended a safety course in 2006.
With its eyes on the future, Promecon believes finding innovative solutions is the most inspiring way of applying its knowledge and experience to the market. Promecon has the know-how, the will and enthusiasm to tackle any challenge it faces. Due to its experience in the industry, Promecon has a number of contracts in the pipeline and is looking to venture further into the concept of boat-based maintenance. Promecon is one of the major players within the Danish market and in the future the company has plans to expand into new markets. In addition to this, Promecon is seeking to enhance its international presence within the industry.
In order to meet the intensified demands in the globalised marketplace, Promecon is constantly optimising its organisation and business relationships to enable the company to offer its customers better advice and provide optimal solutions within all of its business areas. To further enhance this, the organisation has recently introduced a key account structure, which means that it can provide a specialist contact person within each specialist division. This has reinforced Promecon’s platform for providing proactive advice and consultancy. The organisation regards complex projects as a challenge and likes working with clients that make seemingly impossible demands. In all cases Promecon does not rest until it has found a qualified solution.