Rolls Wood Group
A reputation for excellence
Rolls Wood Group (Repair & Overhauls) is a joint venture between Wood Group and Rolls-Royce plc, and provides maintenance, repair and overhaul services to operators of Rolls-Royce industrial aero-derivative gas generators in the global oil and gas, power generation, and marine propulsion industries.
With over 500 staff at its facilities in Aberdeen, Scotland; Houston, Texas; and the joint venture Rolls Wood OTEC in Malaysia, Rolls Wood Group has grown into a world market leader, providing unrivalled service facilities and global support.
In April 2010 a landmark was achieved at Rolls Wood Group (RWG), when the group reached its 20th anniversary. Over these two decades the company has grown from £10 million sales in the first year to £150m in 2009. Its continued success has also seen the RWG team grow from 90 in Aberdeen, to more than 500 people working in the UK, the US and Malaysia, serving customers worldwide.
A major contributing factor to this growth is the company’s dedication to training. RWG welcomes new apprentices into its training programme each year, and over its 20-year history, has now trained some 120 apprentices, with 72 of them still with the business.
This investment in people was strengthened in 2007, with the opening of a new dedicated training facility in Aberdeen. This operation has the capability to train ten apprentices each year with additional resources for providing in-house training for employees. In April 2010 there were 30 people undergoing apprenticeships at the business, and additionally RWG announced that it would take on a further eight at the Dyce training facility in August 2010. It is through this continuous investment in training and certification, competence and quality assurance, that RWG can maintain its reputation for the highest quality standards in the industry.
Through its team of expert staff, RWG provides services for Rolls-Royce RB211, Avon, Olympus, and 501K/570 aero-derivative gas turbines. The RB211 division delivers repair and overhaul services to support the full range of Rolls-Royce Industrial RB211 gas generators, including the latest -24 GT DLE models. Its highly trained specialists use state-of-the-art equipment to dismantle and inspect each component. These parts are then repaired, using advanced technology at the company’s world-class component repair facility. Totally dedicated to supporting RB211 engines, this 46,000 square foot facility gives RWG the capability to service 120 engines per year.
To date, over 900 RB211 engines have passed through RWG’s facilities, providing the fleet worldwide with over 35,000,000 hours of power. Having overhauled engines from Alaska to Australia, RWG has retained and grown the experience and expertise necessary to overcome any type of application, duty or environmental challenge.
When it comes to users of the Rolls-Royce Industrial Avon Gas Generator, RWG provides a repair and overhaul service that is second to none. This is backed by innovative streamline repair capability, highly experienced motivated engineers trained to national accredited standards, the world’s largest inventory of Avon spare parts, and the availability of an Avon dedicated support fleet.
The Avon workshop is dedicated to this single engine type and has a capacity of over 130 engines per annum, which means that RWG has processed over 1500 engines since inception – more than the total number of engines sold by Rolls-Royce. The Technical Assistance Agreement with Rolls-Royce plc ensures that the repair and overhaul service is optimised to the benefit of the operator.
Turnaround time is a major challenge for MRO operators and RWG has recognised the need to reduce the time taken to provide both scheduled and unscheduled maintenance requirements. As a result the Avon workshop offers a 40-day turnaround time for major overhaul requirement. This is particularly beneficial to operators faced with the associated expense of leasing equipment as interim support.
Moving onto Olympus, RWG’s Olympus Project has operated out of Aberdeen since 1992, and can provide overhauls and repairs, field service, heavy maintenance, inspections, troubleshooting, onsite/offsite and onshore/offshore support for the full range of Rolls-Royce Olympus Gas Generators and associated SK Range of Power Turbines.
In addition, customers have benefited from the wide range of innovative repair processes developed in-house to compliment the repair schemes originally developed offered by the original equipment manufacturer. RWG is continually developing a wide array of repair processes to assist operators achieve the lowest cost operation of their sets by repairing, rather than replacing components.
As industry leaders, it provides all its customers with value-added services that enable them to re-use components at a fraction of the cost of new replacement parts, while meeting the same performance and reliability standards.
Its unique relationship with the OEM ensures that it can offer rapid turn-around times, while providing customers with a wide selection of exchange components and accessories to fulfil their immediate needs. As a result of its innovative approach, RWG delivers the most formidable and flexible repair and overhaul solutions on a worldwide basis.
Rolls Wood Group
Services: MRO services