VandeGrijp: 90 Years of Excellence in Steel Tubes and Maritime Equipment, A Trusted Partner in Industry and Offshore Projects
Dynamic equipment
With close to 90 years of successful operation as a specialist in the production of steel tubes, piles, tubular constructions and the rental of pipeline systems and floating equipment for both onshore and offshore projects, VandeGrijp has become a trusted partner to clients operating within the maritime, offshore, process industry and marine construction markets. The company was founded as Fa. A v/d Grijp during 1928 as a business focused on the selling and renting of flat top barges and houseboats, while today the VandeGrijp Group offers a comprehensive portfolio of services across two companies that serve the manufacturing and rental markets respectively.
Throughout all of its operations, VandeGrijp works to maintain the highest levels of quality and customer service, with full ISO 9001 and ISO 3834-2 accreditation as well as EN-1090 certification. This quality assurance is further supported by the detailed analysis of the company’s production processes to ensure consistent levels of both manufacturing quality and reliability. Works are undertaken at an inclusive site that encompasses 85,000m2 of space, including three fully equipped production halls and a harbour equipped with its own Ro-Ro quay. VandeGrijp presently employs 35 members of staff augmented by specialised subcontractors. The company encourages the on-going education and training of its staff to ensure that VandeGrijp will continue to be able to offer the highest quality standards within the market both today and into the future.
VandeGrijp operates a 3000m2 production hall that manufactures both limited series and bespoke pieces of equipment, while an additional smaller hall contains a highly efficient pipe mill where it produces flanged pipes with a manufacturing capacity of up to 4.5km per month. The third VandeGrijp production hall comprises 2600m2 of space and has an increased ceiling height, allowing the unit to be used for the construction of large tube sections of up to 10,000mm.
These extensive manufacturing facilities have enabled VandeGrijp to continue to work with clients across several industrial applications, despite the challenges appearing within the oil and gas market in recent years. The company was previously featured in Energy, Oil & Gas in May 2016, during which time Managing Director, Paul Nederlof, discussed the ways in which the inclusive manufacturing capabilities of VandeGrijp allow the business to operate across several applications. “From small to large projects, our expertise is in the ability to carry out so many diverse projects at the same time. The eye-catching projects in recent year were naturally the larger ones, like the XL spud poles for the largest cutter suction dredger in the world, but the pile followers and spreader bars that we have constructed were no mean feat either,” he says.
“Our manufacturing facilities are located close to Rotterdam harbour providing good access to the world by road or water and we have our own harbour. The covered production area contains three roll bending machines with varying bending capacities of up to 150mm wall thickness and there is also a pipe mill for flanged dredge lines or pipes of up to 25mm wall thickness,” Paul continues. “The main strength of VandeGrijp is our flexibility in terms of timescales and varying types of projects. We are capable of delivering thick walled tubes within very short time periods, but at the same time can also fabricate more complex projects.”
While VandeGrijp produces standard flanged tubes, tube sections, cylinders, cones, and scales to customer’s specifications, the company also manufactures one-off pieces for its clients, which are designed for use within the offshore, marine construction, process and maritime sectors. During the engineering and design process, VandeGrijp is on-hand to provide specialist advice relating to production, to reduce overall cost of manufacturing. This way VandeGrijp works with its clients to make their project successful and cost efficient. VandeGrijp’s suppliers play a vital role in the responsiveness of the company so VandeGrijp maintains close relationships with trusted steel suppliers to ensure the rapid turnover of manufactured projects.
On the rental side of the business, VandeGrijp maintains a comprehensive fleet of equipment, comprising split hopper and hopper barges, but also dredge line components of various diameters that are ready for deployment. Within both its rental and manufacturing operations it is the aim of the company to be able to deliver an expert service extremely quickly.
Over the duration of 2017 and beyond VandeGrijp will continue to work to deliver expert solutions in rented and manufactured pipes and equipment, while ensuring the highest levels of customer service.
With this comprehensive package of services VandeGrijp is well placed to continue to meet the dynamic and technically demanding requirements of oil and gas, marine and offshore markets throughout the coming years. The company has enjoyed a highly positive year within the manufacturing and rental sector for floating equipment. Currently the company has projects for several offshore and dredging contractors and is in the process of finalising the award of several new projects, that have the potential to make 2017 a very exciting year for VandeGrijp indeed.
Services: Equipment manufacture and rental